Yoga & Meditation

Duration: 3 hours
Languages: English, Nederlands
Max. participants: 6
Categories: Courses
Deruta and surroundings are ideal to practice yoga and meditation

The quiet town of Deruta is not only a source of inspiration for artists. You can profit during your holidays to relax and enjoy nature with the skilled help of a professional (Dutch) yoga teacher. Also, other forms of meditation could help you to forget the day-to-day worries. Music could be one of the aids to achieve this. The courses take place in the studio of Casa “Le tre Muse” or in the quiet natural surroundings of Deruta.

From / per person

€ 30,00
Frank Anepool
From To
10:00 13:00
15:00 18:00

Please, get in touch if you have questions!

+39 334 576 33 13 Whatsapp Facebook

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