Monti Sibillini and Pian Grande

The Monti Sibillini is one of the most beautiful areas of Italy nestled between Umbria and Le Marche. The national park of the Sibillini is dotted with medieval hamlets, gorgeous forests and stunning panoramas. Here, you won’t find hordes of tourists like in other regions of Italy, so there is no better reason to discover this magical and low-key area of the country.

One of the best things to do in the park is to reach Mount Sibilla and ask the locals about the ancient legend of the area. Sibilla has been known since the Middle Ages as a land of fairies, demons and magic linked to the Prophetess Sibyl, who is said to have lived in the homonymous mount.

The Pian Grande is a large plain to admire in the springtime when grass and flowers bloom. It is ringed by the slope of the massif’s highest point of Sibillini mounts, the Vettore Mount. You can hike it and reach the top to admire the valleys and rivers below.

Italy’s fourth largest lake

Lake Trasimeno is a beautiful lake situated in the region of Umbria. It is surrounded by atmospheric castles and charming medieval towns including Passignano and Castiglione del Lago. Small but unique vineyards also line the lake and are a fantastic find for some special wines that can only be produced in the micro-climate of the lake.

The lake offers fish restaurants along the shore, where you can eat local fish. The sportier can hire a (sailing) boat or swim in the mild water.

You should definitely make a ferry trip to one of the islands. Here, some beautiful historic surprises are awaiting you. It is well possible to stroll around, have a wonderful lunch or eat an ice-cream, before sailing back to the shore.

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